Biodegradable Ties

Made from Polymers that Degrade in the Ambient Environment

biodegraded rapstrap i-tie fragments
bioplastic erosion and pitting
fungi growing on biodegradable plastic
starch-polyester biodegradable plastic disintegration

Key Features of Our Biodegradable Designs:

A selection of biodegradable rapstrap tie strips
  • Waste-reducing rapstraps
  • Biodegradable polymers
  • Renewable-resource content
  • Biodegradable at low temperatures
  • Starch-polyester ties for outdoor applications
  • Water dispersible ties for indoor applications
biodegradable rapstrap i-Tie

Decomposing BIO23 i-Tie after burial in damp top soil for 1 year at ambient temperatures.

BIO23: Starch-polyester rapstrap i-Tie

These biodegradable versions of our standard waste-reducing i-Tie design are made using approximately 23% renewable resource ingredients.

Particularly suitable for applications where cable ties may end up in terrestrial environments, these rapstraps work by incorporating a high level of potato starch into an instrinsically biodegradable polyester. This combination greatly increases water absorption and speeds up biodegradation times.

residual rapstrap fragments after biodegadation

The last remnants of a BIO23 i-Tie after burial in damp potting compost for 1 year at ambient temperatures.

The resulting BIO23 i-Ties are generally stable above ground for 1-2 years, but will undergo gradual biodegradation once subjected to damp organic conditions.

Degradation times in the natural environment will vary, but high temperatures are not needed and samples covered in moist soil can show noticeable decomposition after just a few months.

BIO23 i-Ties have been found to break down faster if exposed to higher levels of nutrients and micro-organisms, such as found in compost. Significant decomposition in these richer organic environments can be achieved in less than a year, though full decomposition and bioassimilation in any environment may take longer.

(Note: The BIO23 compounds we use are certified to meet industrial 6 month composting standards only up to 180µm thicknesses. Whilst being intrinsically biodegradable, larger items may not completely break down in such short timeframes. See our biodegradability section for more details.)

More about the BIO23 i-Tie

biodegradable rapstrap i-Ties

Biodegradable and water-dispersible i-Ties are supplied in tear-off sheets of 5. (BIO23 top, SOL bottom.)

SOL: Water dispersible rapstraps

Intended mainly for indoor applications such as dry goods packaging, these biodegradable i-Ties are produced from a polymer that readily dissolves in water.

Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA/PVOH) is widely used in the paper industry, and is also found in washable glues and soluble detergent pouches.

Turning this material into soluble rapstraps is slightly more challenging than working with conventional polymers, but certain versions of PVOH can be successfully moulded into complex shapes.more

The resulting ties dissolve rapidly when placed in warm water, making them quick & easy to dispose of. The specific polymer we use also dissolves in cold water, though the process takes several hours. However, once suitably dissolved & dispersed, PVOH is capable of biodegrading in most environments.

disolved PVOH going mouldy

Microbial spores can quickly colonise even very concentrated PVOH solutions.

Due to its widespread domestic use, substantial quantities of PVOH enter the waste-water system every year, where various species of micro-organisms are known to consume it. It is therefore generally considered safe for low concentrations of PVOH to be disposed of through this channel.more

water soluble rapstrap i-Tie with microbes

A water soluble rapstrap going mouldy in a beaker of water. (Approximately 2 months at ambient temperature.)

Airborne bacteria & fungi that exist in the wider environment are also known to be capable of degrading PVOH.more Normally, they would only encounter it in very dilute solutions, but even when faced with highly concentrated amounts, microorganisms don't pass up a free lunch.

Because it is extensively used as a sizing agent in paper and card manufacturing, in principle PVOH can also be recycled through the same waste-stream, making it a very easy material to dispose of where suitable facilities exist.

On the downside, PVOH rapstraps are not generally suitable for outdoor use, and dry conditions need to be maintained prior to disposal. However, because dissolution takes some time, end-of-life use in wet environments is possible. (A common application is tying soluble bait bags for angling.)

More about the SOL i-Tie

Slime mould and biodegradable plastics

Slime moulds are surprisingly common in the environment, but they have been little studied. Their potential role in decomposing plastics merits further investigation. (Technically they are amoebae, not fungi.)

Additional Information

The following comments provide some additional information and caveats concerning our biodegradable cable ties and biodegradable plastic products in general. Please consult the more comprehensive biodegradability section for further details.

  • There is no perfect biodegradable plastic currently available. Most are not recyclable; some will only degrade under hot composting conditions; and none will quickly biodegrade in a typical landfill.more
  • Although many products are touted as "compostable", with the exception of thin films, composting of solid items (even when shredded) frequently takes much longer than the 6-12 months prescribed by current testing standards. This is particularly true in unmanaged home composting facilities.more
  • In natural environments, biodegradation is highly contingent on the (frequently variable) conditions. Laboratory testing does not fully capture this reality, and only indicates an ability to biodegrade in an idealised environment.
  • Although biodegradable products can easily be tested in natural soil and compost at ambient temperatures, any observed decomposition does not prove that bioassimilation is occurring. Full conversion to CO2, water and biomass requires more extensive testing.
  • Even with fully tested and certified materials, the exact time-frame needed for complete product biodegradation can be uncertain. Wherever possible, end users are advised to test the actual biodegradability of products in their likely or intended disposal environments for suitability.
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